2017持續性感的連身上衣 SEXY BODYSUIT!


Happy New Year! Today I wanna share a sexy piece of clothing with you.

Bodysuit 從去年開始流行起來,就是像連身泳裝的款式,上衣有長袖或是超級低胸等等的設計

最近真的覺得 Bodysuit 是一個很性感的發明❤


If you haven’t tried it yet, you gotta give it a try this year! This trend started last year, there are tons of different types of this kind of clothing, the swimsuit kind, the ones with long sleeves or the ones with a lower cut in the front. It is the BODYSUIT.
I honestly think that it’s such a sexy piece, whoever created/started this is brilliant!
Because it’s a bodysuit obviously it’s a one piece, so it covers up the parts you wouldn’t want to accidentally show.

The coverage and the way it’s designed makes you feel safe when you’re wearing it. And wearing it with some vintage, old style accessories can create the 70s style. I have picked out some cute and sexy bodysuits for you to check out and give it try!

blog-001 牛仔褲這裡買👉 也可以私訊 3 Closets 歐美代購 粉絲頁 幫你訂購,寄到家喔!

blog-2017-001 blog-2017-2-001 穿起來很有安全感,也可以搭配復古配件創造70年代感~ 我挑選了一些性感可愛的Bodysuits!

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PHOTO CREDIT: Kendall Jenner’s IG

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