隱藏版九重葛🌺 秘密拍照地點大公開

如果有在follow我們的Instagram就知道,最近常在即時動態看到很多攀在牆上綻放的花朵,我發現一些藏在台北可愛巷弄間的秘密花叢,有鮮豔的桃紅色、紫色的九重葛,還有整片的小黃菊,除了向我最愛的@songofstyle 致敬,拍照起來美極了,就像是置身充滿陽光的加州一樣!


If you follow us on Instagram, then you must see a lot of IG stories that is about flowers that bloom on the wall. I found some secret flowers clustered in lovely alleys in Taipei, with bright pink and purple bougainvilleas. And whole pieces of yellow chrysanthemum, in addition, not only just paying respect to my favorite blogger @songofstyle, but also you can have fabulous photos taken just like you are in sunny California.

The beautiful sea of flowers may be in the roadside courtyard or park near your home! Let’s take a peek before the spring ends.


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Processed with VSCO with c7 preset

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📍台北市復興南路一段279巷  最近捷運:忠孝復興

The rare purple bougainvillea was found on high-strength wall, still bloomed beautifully at the end of April. It was about 100 meters along the wall. I could not help but to stop to record a few with Polaroid.

Ln. 279, Sec. 1, Fuxing S. Rd., Da’an Dist., Taipei City 106, Taiwan (R.O.C.)

The most close MRT station is Zhongxiao Fuxing

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📍台北市新生南路一段160巷 & 信義路二段243巷巷口  最近捷運:東門站

At the beginning of the month, the bougainvilleas were unexpectedly discovered in the back alley of Dongmen Station, and there should be some fallings flowers on the ground now which makes the scene a whole new story. This is one of my favorite spot to see at the moment. I am sure to visit this spring-filled atmosphere corner again next year!

XinSheng S. Rd, lane 160, Taipei, Taiwan. Xinyi Rd section.2, lane 243.

The most close MRT station is: Dongmen

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📍台北市大安區溫州街49巷 最近捷運:公館

I remembered that day the sun was so shined up the sky and I was in a hurry, but I couldn’t help but stopped. The red brick wall was a retro that I liked, plus a small surprise on the corner. Don’t forget to observe the small things in life when you are in busy.

Da an Dist. WenZhou street, lane 49, Taipei, Taiwan.

The most close MRT station is: Gong Guan

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Processed with VSCO with a7 preset


📍台北市大安路一段206巷 最近捷運:忠孝復興

From winter to spring, I usually do not pay much attention to this intersection which I often pass. One day I suddenly saw a large bloom of yellow chrysanthemums. It reminds me that there may be many beautiful things in life, just like these flowers. In the same way, try to pay attention to these beautiful surroundings. I hope to see this world as more colorful as spring and share it with you!

Da an Rd, section 1, lane 206, Taipei, Taiwan.

The most close MRT station is: ZhongXiao Fuxing




I think this season must have a white off-shouldered top! It’s just too boring to wear monochrome tannin trousers at the bottom. I chose comfortable striped trousers to increase the visual variability.

Rails Plaid shirt is one of my spring and summer must-have items, from southern California specializing in producing top casual clothes; it is probably the most comfortable clothes I have touched! The shirt is the most famous, breaking the original general idea of comfortable wear, high quality and special materials and classic tailoring has led the Rails from a small shop selling hats into the world’s Lifestyle brand and makes all famous bloggers love to use.

3 Closets-美國代購  3 Closets-美國代購  %e8%9e%a2%e5%b9%95%e5%bf%ab%e7%85%a7-2018-04-29-%e4%b8%8b%e5%8d%888-41-11  hunter-pacificskywhite

%e8%9e%a2%e5%b9%95%e5%bf%ab%e7%85%a7-2016-12-01-%e4%b8%8a%e5%8d%8812-01-57  %e8%9e%a2%e5%b9%95%e5%bf%ab%e7%85%a7-2016-12-01-%e4%b8%8a%e5%8d%8812-02-10  %e8%9e%a2%e5%b9%95%e5%bf%ab%e7%85%a7-2018-04-29-%e4%b8%8b%e5%8d%888-51-26


3 Closets-美國代購




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