夏天的尾聲,不一樣的泳衣 End Up Summer With A New Swimwear

9月了!天氣依然炎熱,每次走在太陽下我都想著… 好想跳進水裡消暑!


It’s September! The weather is still extremely hot, it makes me wanna just jump in the water whenever I’m walking under this heat.  Speaking of that, it’s almost at the end of summer. Let’s pick out a new swimsuit to complete summer this year!

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夏天很常出現的一字領平口設計,現在也可以變成泳衣! 一字領泳衣(Off-the-Shoulder) 能讓人關注鎖骨與肩膀,喜歡時尚卻又不喜歡太展現胸部的人很適合這一件,用荷葉邊泳衣(Ruffles)做為結合,飄逸的布料展現出更多可愛的女人味。

高腰比基尼泳衣(High-Waisted Bikinis)是給覺得肚肚還沒練好,不想露肚肚的人。這款的泳衣還可以拉長腿呢。不過選這一件要比較細心,因為一不小心就會選到很像阿嬤內褲的下半身…選擇圖案特別或是顏色比較年輕款,像是亮橘亮粉紅的會比較保險,當然黑色永遠是最安全的首選。

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如果敢穿這款的,真的需要購入一件,因為除了去海邊,還可以把一件式泳衣當 Bodysuits 穿在街上,並配上牛仔褲與高跟鞋,意外的讓人覺得性感。



3 Closets-美國代購





3 Closets-美國代購

Kendall Jenner 同款泳裝一套 NT$15,500


連身泳裝 NT$3,390


平口泳衣一套 淺藍 NT$4,999


平口泳衣一套 粉紅 NT$4,999


牛仔運動泳裝一套 NT$5,999


紅色運動泳裝一套 NT$4,480



粉紅連身泳裝 NT$5,600


泳衣系列代購,請到🔗 3 Closets 美國代購 

Sexy Cutouts Swimsuit, the fabric design include many cross lines and different shapes of cutting, the skin shows between the lines and cutouts makes it even sexier. You can choose either simple or complex design depending on your style. A little side note, the tan marks from wearing this suit will differ depending the design you picked.

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Off-the-Shoulder design is trending this summer, now it’s even happening on swimsuits!

Off-the-Shoulder design can get others attention on the clavicle and shoulder part, ones who likes fashion but doesn’t really feel comfortable showing off the girls, this one is your pick; some swimsuit will combine Off-the-Shoulder and Ruffle design, the flowy design is more feminine and cute.

High-Waisted Bikinis are for one who’s not yet finished their training aka not comfortable to show the abs they’re working on. Although this kind of swimsuit can elongated the legs, yet need to be careful when choosing, because some might make you look like you’re wearing granny’s panties. Picking the right color and fabric is the key, choose a special pattern or color that is younger, such as bright orange or pink will be the safer choice, and of course black will always be the safe card and fashionable.  

Bikinis and Summer is inseparable, but beside Bikinis, do you have One-Piece swimsuit yet?

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High-Leg and Scoop-Back One-Piece swimsuit are crawling back to fashion from the 90’s. They are very similar, pay attention to the bikini line, the cut is usually higher. Do not think this type of swimsuit is old-fashion, the design and shape are different than the 90’s, the color and pattern are diversified; some even have some sarcastic sayings on the front of the swimsuit to make it more playful.

If you wanna be bold, you really should get yourself this piece. Besides wearing this to the beach, it can also be a bodysuit, pairing it with jeans and heels can turn out to be an unexpected  sexy outfit.

What are you waiting for? Pick a swimsuit and go to the beach fashionably while the sun is up!

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