重現 2017 LV 秋冬服裝發表酒會 Louis Vuitton Fall-Winter 2017 Fashion Event

6月13日,3 Closets 榮幸參加 Louis Vuitton 在台北信義區舉行的 2017秋冬新品發表酒會,現場陳列許多秀上經典女裝、男裝,還有珠寶跟配件,不少時尚名人都受邀參加這次的酒會,很高興能成為這時尚聚會的一員,這次讓我們有機會可以現場重現,並且近距離接觸到 Louis Vuitton 的秋冬秀上服裝,既興奮又開心。

It was an honored to attend the Louis Vuitton New Winter-Fall Product Launch on June 13, 2017 in Taipei; the exhibition displayed many classic male and female coutures and jewelries. Many celebrities were invited, and I am grateful to be a part of it; it was an exciting experience to have the opportunity to see Louis Vuitton 2017 Winter-Fall collections closely.  

3 Closets-美國代購

電梯門一打開就是一面 印有 Louis Vuitton 字樣的白色牆面,看著多台相機對著站在Louis Vuitton字樣下的VIP們閃著閃光燈時,覺得新奇又有趣。DJ在放音樂的同時,服務生親切的遞上飲品,還有小點心讓你墊墊胃。開始欣賞時有專門的人員為你解說,有關 2017 秋冬每一件單品背後的故事和資訊。



Louis Vuitton的設計師Nicolas Ghesquiere秋冬結合了許多不同的元素和靈感,主要為三種: 美國運動風、經典城市美學和民族風。

其中很吸睛的粉紅毛毛外套就是屬於混搭風格和材質的設計毛料材質與棒球外套運動風的衣領混搭在一起,適合喜歡走運動風的女孩們。另外我非常喜歡城市經典美學風格的設計,有看到一件一套的背心配上褲裝,結合了皮革和鉚釘 ,整個充滿力量且俐落感。最屬特別的就是民族風,拼接的裙裝以簍空蕾絲和印花作為結合,光線的照射下還會產生亮面反射,非常有設計感且前衛。

另一個亮點是讓消費者打造專屬於自己的 Louis Vuitton 去旅行,這次推出全新 My world Tour 訂製服務,提供Monogram 和 Damier 兩款系列的包款,擁有五大類別的圖案,分別為國際城市、大飯店、LV復古Logo、流行元素風格與客製化名字等,能夠混著印製在包包和行李箱上。

設計師Nicolas Ghesquiere的靈感來自「傳統行李箱」,行李箱上會貼上很多貼紙,充滿了每個城市的回憶,作為自己去過世界各地的紀念,或是你自己的行李箱就是充滿著新舊回憶呢?

現在在Louis Vuitton可以自行選擇各種精美印花添加個人色彩,在 Monogram 系列中,還可以選擇包邊的皮革與內裡顏色,讓消費者可以擁有屬於自己故事、獨一無二的包款。

這次的受邀的經驗真的很有趣,能親眼看到,甚至觸摸到在秀上比較特殊的衣服,一邊享受著賓客至上的服務,一邊欣賞專業解說,這不只是時尚也是藝術的鑑賞,謝謝 Louis Vuitton❤


lv-sell-clothes-black lv-sell-clothes-white


(衣服訂購私訊連結👉 goo.gl/zhJxFz 


KC 顯瘦短筒粗跟 黑色踝靴


3 Closets-美國代購






Right outside of the elevator, there is a big white wall with Louis Vuitton texts on it. Seeing the VIPs stand under the text with non stopping flashlights, it was quite a new interesting experience. There were DJ playing music and waiters handing out drinks and some snacks, it was very welcoming. There were specialists to show and introduce the 2017 Winter-Fall products with stories behind each design. Check our video!

Nicolas Ghesquiere, the designer of Louis Vuitton, the Winter-Fall collection combined different elements and features; the collection is divided into three types: American Athletic、Classic Urban and Ethnic style.

One of the outfit that really caught my eyes was the Pink Eskimo Jacket, the whole jacket is made by fur which looks fancy but with a touch of sporty feels collar; this outfit fit girls who are more athletic and likes mashup fashion. My favorite was Classic Urban, the black trouser suit with vest on top that combined leather and rivet. The whole style shows confidence and neat. The most special one was the Ethnic style, the lace detailing and prints on the dress created a glossy reflection under the light, it is very designed and edgy.

Additionally, the customers can travel with their own design of Louis Vuitton, they released “My World Tour” customizing service, provided Monogram and Damier series design; there are five categories of “stamp,” include Cities, Grand Hotels, Louis Vuitton Heritage, Pop and customized text that the customers can choose to print on their own bags and suitcases. The designer Nicolas Ghesquiere got the inspiration from traditional suitcase. Suitcase got many stickers on it, symbolizing the memories in all the different cities one have traveled. Maybe you have a suitcase that is filled with different kinds of memories too?  

Now, Louis Vuitton provide customized print to make it more special to the customers. They have the options of the leather they want to use for the edge and color of the insiden in Monogram series. Every customer can have their own extraordinary bag, that tells their own stories.

It is an interesting experience to observe, to even get to touch the new Winter-Fall products; enjoying the services and appreciating the professional guides at the same time, it was not only a show but also an art work. Thanks to Louis Vuitton for the wonderful experience.




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