夏天,就是墨鏡!2017 超乎你預料之外的墨鏡潮流 SUNGLASSES THAT YOU NEED

3 Closets-美國代購



The heat recently has been driving me crazy. Do you feel me?

Do you have your sunglasses out to protect your eyes from this shining bright sun? Except blocking the ultraviolet, sunglasses are one of the significant fashion item in the summer season.

3 Closets-美國代購



復古飛行員墨鏡(Retro Aviators)




美國知名部落客 愛用復古墨鏡 黃色 NT$3,300

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KENDALL 愛用復古墨鏡 新款粉紅 NT$3,300

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美國知名部落客 愛用復古墨鏡 淺藍色 NT$3,300 3 Closets-美國代購

KYLIE JENNER 聯名款 飛行員白銀鏡面墨鏡 NT$3,150


60年代復古粗框墨鏡(60s Retro Heavy Frame)



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KYLIE JENNER 聯名款 紅色粗框復古墨鏡 NT$3,300

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60s 復古粗框白色墨鏡 NT$2,000


復古小尺寸墨鏡(Retro Small Size)


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KYLIE JENNER 聯名款 復古黑金小墨鏡 NT$3,150

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KYLIE JENNER 聯名款 復古黃色小墨鏡 NT$3,150


平頂復古墨鏡 (Flat Top Frame)



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KYLIE JENNER 聯名款 平頂玫瑰金墨鏡 NT$3,150




PHOTO CREDIT: Celebmafla, StyleBiStro, Vogue, Instagram, Look Magazine, Brit+CO, Pinterest


Retro Sunglasses is back in fashion this year. Do you have one that fits you?

If NOT, I have found some that I thought is perfect for this summer for you to check out.


Retro Aviators

The original design is for aviators, it can decrease the glare from being up in the air. The lenses are darker in earlier designs, the frame has special double metal nose bridge connect the two lenses. From then till now, the Aviators has always been a classic, it continues the special nose bridge design; but lighter color lenses become popular this two years. Yellow is a very popular color, the blue and pink are also excellent choices!

Different lenses color adds more fun in retro aviators, you can also choose bigger size lens, it can shape the face better. The Retro Aviators fits almost to every face shape. if you already have Retro Aviators with darker lenses, you can try lighter color lenses this year.


60s Retro Heavy Frame

This type of sunglasses has thicker frame, it used to be very popular during the 60s, maybe you can find one in your mother or grandmother’s drawer!?

It is back in fashion now! There are many shape of frames, rectangle, round, oval and cat eyes, also many color options. Maybe you think this kind of Disco style is to extra, but you don’t have to wear Disco outfit with Disco sunglasses, my suggestion is to wear simple T-shirt with jeans with this type of retro sunglasses. People who likes to wear darker color can try wearing color red or yellow frame to light up your outfit; or wear the same color frame as your outfit.


Retro Small Size

This type appeared more in the 90s, you can see it in magazine and movies. It is also back in fashion this year! It comes with many shapes and different lens color. This type of sunglasses has one thing in common that is the size of the lens are small, some are even the same size as your eyes. It is more like an accessory than being functional. Celebrities sometimes will wear it at parties at night, it makes the outfit more fashionable and interesting. The retro small size sunglasses is not as easy to pull off than the other ones, but if you picked the right shape, you can rock this style anywhere. Challenge accepted?


Flat Top Frame

The design is all in one, there is no bending nor frames. The lenses has the option of mirror surface which is more the “future look,” also it comes in yellow and pink. Last but not least the color RED, Supreme and Louis Vuitton cooperation launched this Flat Top Frame sunglasses in red! This style is very exaggerated, I think people who are confident and not afraid to be in the spotlight will like this a lot.

This type of sunglasses doesn’t need to go with hyperbole outfits or have too many accessories, it will make it look too complicated. I think the best way to wear this style is to put on single color outfit with simple tailoring, simple makes this the most fashionable look.     

Summer is the most fun season to go out, everyone should not only protect your skin but also protect your EYES!

Sunglasses is very needed under the sun beside hats, come and choose one Retro Sunglasses which suits your style! Be fashionable in the sun, don’t forget it can be a tool to protect your eyes AND a fashion statement.

Don’t forget to choose one with different color lenses, it is what will you the fashion points for this year. Get a Retro Sunglasses to protect your eyes in style!

PHOTO CREDIT: Celebmafla, StyleBiStro, Vogue, Instagram, Look Magazine, Brit+CO, Pinterest


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