
CHANEL的 2017/18秋冬系列的主題為「太空」,向太空人致敬,這次在初衣食午大安旗艦店內設置了快閃的主題布置,為期一個月: 9月23日到10月20日。

很榮幸的在9月20日受邀開幕,搶先看了現場展示設計、服裝、包包、飾品等,以CHANEL AIRSPACE為靈感設計,環繞著太空為主題設計。這次也邀請許多大明星參加,像是小松菜奈、蔡依林、許瑋甯、桂綸鎂、蕭敬騰和周湯豪等。

Time for Taiwan to launch the “Rocket”!

CHANEL’s year 2017/18 winter-fall collection theme is “Space.” It is to honor the astronaut, so they opened a pop-up store with space theme at Onefifteen for a month: September 23 to October 20.  



看完精彩的2017/18秋冬系列,接下來就是令人期待已久的After Party啦!現場提供接駁車,送我們到華山Legacy去參加CHANEL After Party。入口處有著ENTRANCE的黃色LED燈,走進現場彷彿進入另外一個世界,場內放置一排排的巨大LED星星貫穿整場,猶如穿越星際般。旁邊牆上還有在快閃店看到的三種胸針樣式(土星、流星和小火箭)LED燈。裡面除了提供爆米花,棉花糖之外,還有許多小點,像是干貝,鮮蝦,還有小漢堡及薯條搭配美酒,跟Lounge Bar有點像。這場音樂派對除了DJ音樂之外,還邀請蕭敬騰現場演唱,把現場氣氛帶上最高點。

3 Closets 能夠受邀參加真的很開心,CHANEL貼心的有專門解說員一一介紹這次的設計,還讓我們能近距離欣賞時尚滿分的訂製服、配件、包包和飾品,體驗讓人眼睛為之一亮的店裝及陳列,把我們帶進了太空浩瀚宇宙的世界。如果對這次CHANEL 2017/18秋冬系列有興趣,不妨趁機去初衣食午參觀一下這次的快閃活動,體驗一下太空艙的時尚之旅。

It is an honor to get invited to the opening of the pop-up store on September 20, to be the first group to see the CHANEL AIRSPACE design theme, coutures, bags and accessories, all the design is connected to the outer space. They also invited many celebrities, Nana Komatsu, Jolin Tsai, Hsu Wei-ning, Kwai Lun-Mei, Jam Hsiao and Nick Chou…etc.

The display and design of the interior is very eye-popping. The wall is built with fiber interlayer with light box inside, as if we were walking in a Space shuttle cabin. The right hand side symbolized the elevator to the rocket, the left hand side symbolized the space station pawn; the second floor design symbolized space capsule, there is a camera inside which interacts with the guests, takes pictures with the background of the CHANEL rocket sign. All outfits and accessories looks like it was floating in the room, you won’t see the racks for the displays, the suspension display pass on the concept of space.

The concept of the year 2017/18 winter-fall collection is Space, the design used silver-white color and penguin suit material、astronaut and planet patterns and Sequin, Glass beads Embroidery on the coutures; crust hard shell rocket designed bag. Among them, CHANEL used the marked woolen for the design, to go with the theme, color white, grey, silver and black are the colors mainly used for it. In addition, the design added many piping, increased the “layers” of the outfit. There are 3 special CHANEL items that they only have at the pop-up store, three kinds of design brooch ( Saturn, meteor and rocket)、CHANEL pillow and woolen tote bag with bulged rocket.

After attending the amazing pop-up store opening, next, we headed to the after party! CHANEL provided shuttle buses to the after party at Legacy, Huashan 1914 Creative Park. The entrance has a yellow LED sign with the word “ENTRANCE” on it, walking into the party is like going into different world. The big star shaped LED lights lined up through the whole field, it was like walking through the interstellar. On the side of the wall, they placed LED lights with three kinds of design brooch ( Saturn, meteor and rocket). Other than popcorn, cotton candy, there are other snacks like scallops, shrimp, and small hamburgers and fries to go with wine and cocktails, like a lounge bar. Besides having the DJ playing the music, CHANEL also invited Jam Hsiao, everyone was crazy about it.

It is an honor that 3 Closets got invited, with the guiding of CHANEL’s design and be a part of this celebration. We had a great experience being showered with fashion, having the opportunity to see the coutures, bags and accessories closely, had fun at the pop-up store with their amazing interior design and displays, it is like bringing the outer space to us. If you are interesting in CHANEL year 2017/18 winter-fall collection, go check out the pop-up store at ONEFIFTEEN, to experience the SPACE.  


3 Closets-美國代購

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