還在煩惱去PARTY到底要穿什麼?5大最新派對穿搭術!AFTER PARTY OUTFIT

After Party 就是在一個典禮或活動之後,大家聚在一起聊聊天喝喝酒的場合。

服裝主題選擇會和典禮穿的相關或是延伸風格,After Party 當然也是閃光燈的焦點,比起主典禮的禮服類服裝,我其實更喜歡看 After Party 的穿搭,名人換下禮服之後,都會穿上比較「平易近人更貼近生活」的衣服,這時候也是顯示自己時尚品味和個性的時候!

After the end of an event, the celebrities will move the celebration to another place, people will chat and drink together,  it is called an “After Party”. The celebrities will change into a different outfit, but normally the outfit will still have connection with the earlier event’s theme.

The outfits at the events are amazing, but I personally enjoy seeing the outfits at after party more.  Most of the outfits are more like “daily life” style. It shows more of their personality.          

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繼上週五月典禮介紹,本週是 After Party 名人穿搭,希望你們也會喜歡!

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NO. 1 Kendall Jenner 紐約大都會藝術博物館慈善晚宴的 After Party 

Kendall 選擇了鮮豔活潑的黃色,讓人眼睛一亮。上身穿著透明的黃色運動型帽T,微微露出內搭的亮片材質銀色內衣,低調的性感;下半身配上側邊幾乎完全敞開只有幾條線綁住的 Danielle Guizio 黑色窄裙。

如果這時候上衣的搭配也是比較貼身的就會正式起來,或是過於性感,她選擇了搭配有運動風格的長袖帽T,大膽的黃色拉高了After Party 的輕鬆感,真是很高強的穿搭術!

側邊敞開的裙子將腿的比例拉得更長,透明的上衣材質和典禮時穿著的禮服呼應,有著若隱若現的感覺,配上迷你的 Louis Vuitton 手包,黑色綁帶高跟鞋上的金屬設計和內搭呼應。


黃色上衣 NT$2,080


綁帶黑色洋裝 NT$2,080


黑色特色短裙 NT$1,950

(衣服訂購私訊連結👉 goo.gl/zhJxFz )

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NO 2. Jourdan Dunn 紐約大都會藝術博物館慈善晚宴的 After Party 

Jourdan 在 After Party 的穿搭和典禮相比不會讓人覺得遙不可及,選擇有趣簡單的白色加上藍色做搭配。上衣為丹寧牛仔外套,袖子也是堆疊的厚重設計和不規則的垂墜線條裡面配上簡單的白色T-shirt。下半身則是非常簡單的緊身牛仔短裙和白色尖頭高跟鞋,沒有多餘的配件,完美平衡了上半身,讓人將注意力放在這件可愛的外套上。



OFF WHITE 特色牛仔外套


Frankie 特色牛仔外套 NT$9,500

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NO. 3 Sofia Richie 紐約大都會藝術博物館慈善晚宴的 After Party 




白色蕾絲連身長褲 Free people NT$11,850


白色蕾絲連身短褲 NT$2,750

(衣服訂購私訊連結👉 goo.gl/zhJxFz )

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NO. 4 Daniela Lopez Osorio HBO和浮華世界雜誌為慶祝坎城影展合作主辦的 Vanity Fair and Chopard 派對

Daniela 穿上大紅色絲質長裙,上半身較為合身的X型掛脖露肩設計;而下半身則比較飄逸,在胸到腹部中間有小露一點縫隙,展現出小性感.裙擺順著身體順順的落下,有種慵懶的感覺。



絲質酒紅長洋裝 NT$2,400


Backstage 絲質大紅短洋裝 NT$4,400

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NO.5 Kendall Jenner HBO和浮華世界雜誌為慶祝坎城影展合作主辦的 Vanity Fair and Chopard 派對

最後想要介紹的是 Kendall Jenner 出席同場Vanity Fair and Chopard 派對,穿 Ronald Van Der Kemp 女裝配上 Sergio Rossi 漆皮高跟鞋。黑色高級訂製服,上半身為合身長袖,袖子的部分使用不同布料做出橫線規矩的皺摺.下半身較為複雜,整個短裙部分一樣使用皺摺設計圍繞,不規則的排列讓整個下半身看起來有趣又有設計感。

全身黑顯得有點無趣,所以搭配了一對吸睛的大珍珠耳環,不要以為全身黑就是最安全!各個細節都要注意到才能穿出有層次的穿搭,Kendall 的黑色就一點不顯得無聊過時。


特色黑洋裝 NT$3,999

(衣服訂購私訊連結👉 goo.gl/zhJxFz )

紐約大都會藝術博物館慈善晚宴的 After Party 可以看得出有延伸其主題,前衛特別卻又不會讓人覺得怪異,非常有個人特色;而坎城國際影展的 Vanity Fair and Chopard Party 則是很典雅,沒有典禮時的盛重但卻也非常得體。

After Party 可以讓大家看看名人們個性穿搭,穿的輕鬆自在卻不隨便,因為沒有像典禮的正式,是平常跑趴時也可以參考的穿搭。這幾套衣服中,Kendall 的衣服不用說,很有特色,喜歡特別和勇於嘗試不同款式衣服的人都會被她吸引到並想嘗試看看吧? 除此之外,一身藍色牛仔的 Jourdan,展現了同色系的搭配智慧,雜誌和一些街頭穿搭中也常出現。



PHOTO CREDIT: eonline, celebmafia, Pinterest


3 Closets-美國代購





Today, I picked out FIVE outfits with that I think are well thought out in Met Gala’ after party and Vanity Fair and Chopard Party in Cannes. Hope you guys will love them too!

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NO. 1 Kendall Jenner Met Gala After Party

Kendall Jenner wore a yellow hoodie with see-through material with glitter silver undergarment. The bottom is Danielle Guizio’ black skirt, it is short and tight with an opening on the side and zigzag string detailing. If she was wearing something tight on the top, the whole look might become too sexy. She chose a more sporty look with the yellow color top, has made the whole outfit more casual, which I thought was a good choice for the afterparty.

The wide open side revealed more of her legs and the see-through top is kinda of connected with her gown in Met Gala, looming and sexy. With a mini Louis Vuitton hand bag in hand and black ankle strap heels that corresponded with her undergarment.

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NO 2. Jourdan Dunn Met Gala After Party

The outfit Jourdan Dunn wore in Met Gala and the after party are both interesting with two simple colors design. The top is Denim jacket with piled up heavy design sleeve and irregular hanging stripe with a white T-shirt inside. The bottom she wore a tight denim skirt with white pointy-toe heels to go with it, no accessories, perfectly balanced out the whole look, making the whole focus on the cute jacket.

Denim is never out of fashion, with one simple white shirt can complete the whole look without being too boring but fashionable and energetic.  

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NO. 3 Sofia Richie Met Gala After Party 

Sofia Richie choose to wear a lace jumpsuit with silver choker. It’s casual but not informal. The lace material made her look elegant, and the transparent material shows a bit of the skin is sexy. This summer you should try out this kind of jumpsuits and with different types of accessories can create different kinds of style.

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NO. 4 Daniela Lopez Osorio Vanity Fair and Chopard Party (co-sponsored by HBO and Vanity Fair Magazine to celebrate the Cannes.)

Daniela showed up with a red silk dress, the top of the dress is well-fitting X-factor and off shoulder design, and the bottom is more flowy. From the chest to abdomen, there is a little opening space reveals a bit of the skin, and the bottom of the skirt sat along her body, looks very cozy. Sometimes silk dresses can make others think of pajamas, but Daniela tied her hair in a ponytail which made it look neat and energetic.

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NO.5 Kendall Jenner Vanity Fair and Chopard Party (co-sponsored by HBO and Vanity Fair Magazine to celebrate the Cannes.)

The last one is Kendall Jenner who attended the same Vanity Fair and Chopard Party in Cannes. She wore Ronald Van Der Kemp Spring 2017 Couture with Sergio Rossi patent pumps. The top is well-fitting long sleeves, and part of the sleeves are mixed with different materials to make the ruffles. The bottom is more complex than the top, it used ruffle design to revolve the short skirt, the irregular ruffle design looks interesting and fashionable. The whole outfit is black, so she put on a distinct pair of pearl earrings with the outfit to make it more interesting.

Wearing black outfit is not playing safe card, but it makes the details more important, just like Kendall’s black outfit, it doesn’t have to be boring.

Met Gala’s after party continued with the theme, avant-garde and showed no weirdness only their personality. On the other hand, Vanity Fair and Chopard Party in Cannes is very elegant, not as ceremonious as the event, but still formal.

After Party shows a lot about celebrities’ style, they pick out outfits that are not big formal dresses but more of a casual daily look. I think I don’t need to mention how special Kendall’s outfit was, if you are someone who likes to try out different style, you’ll probably want to try it out. I also really like Jourdan’s denim outfit, it shows the “tone to tone“ style, you can see a lot of these in the magazines and on the streets.

I truly believe that you don’t have to be a celebrity to wear outfits like that, but to choose the right one that’s appropriate for our own. I think we can create our own outfits that shows our personality too!

PHOTO CREDIT: eonline, celebmafia, Pinterest


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