不只是普通的 Wayuu包包 Not an average Wayuu bag

Wayuu bags 是源自於位於南美洲哥倫比亞的土著少數民族—Wayuu族,婦女純手工編織出的包款,是該族代代相傳的編織手法



The Wayuu bags are from south Colombia’s indigenous tribe, Wayuu. These homemade bags were created and passed along generations after generations. The design of the bags has fully expressed the colors and their weaving culture. It has been become a trend in celebrities, and it has also become a MUST accessory this summer.

Besides the aesthetic of the bags, I want to also share the meaningful story behind it.


Chila Bags 是我們唯一合作,也是我唯一想合作的 Wayuu Bags 品牌,為什麼呢?

除了 Chila Bags 是最具有規模的 Wayuu 包包品牌,因為有專屬的設計師,每季設計出別人所沒有的款式,是這個領域的指標!

另外,時尚潮流也帶給 Wayuu族的婦女們能夠有獨立的經濟能力,Chila 直接與編織的婦女合作,並且有完整的編織教育體制,並確保她們能有更好的生活,除了薪資之外,每兩個月也會定期送食物給所有家庭

Chila Bags is one of the only brand that we work with, and the only one that I want to work with. And why is that?

Chila is a decent brand that retails Wayuu bags, they have their own designers that create new designs every season. And because of the up to date new designs, Chila’s Wayuu bags has become a spotlight in this field.

The trend has helped the Women in Wayuu tribe to become financial independent. Chila work with the women in Wayuu tribe directly, and supports them to have a complete weaving education system to learn and keep their tradition alive. Not only giving them the salary they own, but Chila also sends food every two months to support and make sure they are able to preserve their way of life.



這是一個品牌,而不只是一個普通的 Wayuu包包,Chila 和許多雜誌、部落客合作為了推廣此珍貴的文化

不是只有賣包包,而沒有照顧那些需要幫助的人們,我很高興 3 Closets 也能成為推廣哥倫比亞當地風情與愛的一員💙

鮮豔的色彩和花紋讓 Wayuu全年都可以搭配,不管是去海邊,和朋友旅行,或是去參加BBQ烤肉,野餐…或任何一個夏天的聚會,都會是你最好的配件🍍

Chila is a brand, it’s not any other Wayuu bags. They try to spread this beautiful culture with bloggers and magazines to keep it alive and vibrant.
I am very happy that 3closets has this opportunity to partner up with them, to become a part of the team to spread love and the culture of Colombia.

No matter where you are, what you’re doing, at the beach, traveling with friends, or at a barbeque with friends, picnics, or just any summer events, the beautiful colors and patterns of Wayuu bags will always be the statement accessory piece that you can have.  



真的很高興 Chila 找我們合作!現在終於可以跟大家分享這個好消息💙

為了 3 Closets 的寶貝客人爭取了非常優惠價格,比當地購買還要划算


「特殊款」是我最喜歡的款式,慶祝合作開放限時折扣優惠!「超稀有限量版」是 Chila 獨創款式,別的地方一定買不到🙈

I can finally share this exciting news with everyone! I’m thrilled that we can partner up with Chila.
So we can give our support to the women in Colombia and be able to feel even more beautiful with the bags.

My favourite is the Special edition bags. To celebrate our collaboration there will be a special discount sale!

Gabo special collections are designs you will only be able to see at Chila.


都很美有選擇性障礙我知道,所以 Belle 選出最喜歡的五款推薦給大家💙

美國代購   美國代購  美國代購  美國代購


更多包款👉 https://the3closets.com/product-category/accessories/chila-wayuu/



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