百搭不膩款,小白鞋 Everyone needs a White Sneaker!



Do you have White Sneaker in your shoe collection?

Every person should have at least one or two white sneakers. Even though they are all white, each style can be different.

Let’s check out the most needed shoes this year and what brands are celebrity’s’ favorite.

很適合腳踝細的人穿的,低筒款(The Low-Top),T-shirt和九分牛仔褲配上低筒白鞋,露出腳最細的部分,依自己的風格穿出簡單大方感,幾乎任何設計都可以駕馭。有時候還會故意做出復古仿舊款低筒,故意舊舊的感覺,如果有以前白色髒球鞋,不妨拿出來再復古一下,別有一番風味呢!

高筒款(The High-Top)穿起來相對比較有個性,和靴子的感覺有點相似,小洋裝配上高筒白鞋既有女人味又帥氣。

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KC 真皮白球鞋 金邊鞋帶款

厚底白鞋(The Platform)適合小個子女生,或是需要拉高比例的衣服,有像高跟鞋般增高的效果,前後一樣的底看起來的笨重感意外給人有種可愛的感覺。有些款會加上一點設計在厚底的部分,像是鋸齒狀的底部或是圖案在厚底邊緣等,讓白鞋更有趣。


KC 真皮白球鞋 蝴蝶結厚底款


Alexander Mcqueen 限量鞋款

不知道大家有沒有這個經驗,大包小包拿在手上的同時發現鞋帶掉了,或是遇上穿著短裙時要試著不走光的綁鞋帶!這真的是一件非常痛苦尷尬的事情,而這時魔鬼粘款(The Velcro Sneaker)就是救星,根本是為懶人所設計的。這款跟綁鞋帶的不同,撕黏的部分呈現橫線的線條,看起來更為簡潔。


KC 真皮白球鞋 魔鬼氈


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Nike Air Vapormax

運動潮流款(The Lifestyle)比較兩用,既可以運動穿之外也可以穿在街上走,相對多了功能性。設計上有些比較特別,像是為了功能增加包覆性,或是使用比較透氣的網狀,甚至有可以打氣進去的氣墊功能等。不要覺得運動流行款太運動,不適合配運動衣之外的衣服,錯! 現在很多球鞋品牌都會和潮流品牌做結合,做出時尚感十足的聯名款!

Reebok X Vetement 還有今年球鞋最大盛事之一-Off White X Nike

以另類前衛風格走紅的Vetement跟Reebok合作,設計出隨興手繪塗鴉風格的白球鞋。而Off White和Nike合作的設計款則是拿之前的Jordan 1,經典的”Chicago”紅白款做變化,在鞋側和鞋帶印上專屬字樣,”Off-WhiteTM for Nike’Air Jordan 1’ Beaverton, Oregon USA c1985″。


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11月 Coming soon! 請鎖定 3 Closets 美國代購 粉絲團第一手消息



Photo Credit: FootwearNews, Pinterest, whowhatwear, Dailymail, ELLE Taiwan, Instagram @angelsarasampaio @kyliejenner

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People with dainty ankles fits the Low-Top. T-shirt with capri-jeans and a pair of low-top white sneaker can show the most thin part of the leg. This style is simple, could go with any kind of design. Sometimes they will design the sneakers in retro style, fashionably old and dirty , so if you have your old sneakers from back then, maybe it’s time for you to take them out and wear them on the streets again.

Compare with the Low-Top sneakers, the High-Top looks more edgy, similar to boots. High-Top sneakers with a dress makes this look feminine and stylish.

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The Platform suits smaller people, or for people that wants to lengthen their overall look in the outfit, it kind works like high heels. The bottom of the shoe looks heavy, but it gives out a cute vibe. Some will put on some special design on the platform, such as patterns or jagged bottom, which makes the white sneaker more interesting.   

Have you ever had an experience when the shoelace is untied, while both hands are full, or try to tie the shoelace while wearing mini skirt? Those moment are awkward, but with the Velcro Sneakers, it won’t happen, this style is the life saver for situations like this.

Now, athletic style is rising, wearing a sporty outfit on the street is a lot more common. Even some formal occasion one can see sneakers with a formal outfit, very fashionable.

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The Lifestyle is more dual used, it can be wore to work-out or with a casual outfit on the street , this style is more functionable. The design of the Lifestyle Sneaker can be a bit different, some will add more coverage, excellent permeability net or even pump-in air in air cushion features. Do not think this style can only go with a sporty outfit, try again!  

There are lots of sport brands collaborated with fashion brands, and came out with stylist sneakers!

Reebok X Vetement and the one of the biggest news Off White X Nike

The Vetement, popular with abnormal avant-garde style, collaborated with Reebok, designed a white sneaker with hand painted graffiti look. And the other hand, Off White collaborated with Nike, re-design the Jordan 1, color white and red that reminiscent of the classic “Chicago,” with special text print on the side of the shoe and shoelace, it shows “Off-WhiteTM for Nike ’Air Jordan 1’ Beaverton, Oregon USA c1985.”

Both designs can go with not only your workout clothes, but casual or formal outfit also. If you like these brands, maybe you should consider getting your hands on them.

Every girls need one white sneaker, the white sneaker is like a canvas, and the outfit you wear is the paint, it completes the outfit. What are you still waiting for, get yourself a pair of white sneakers to complete your closet!

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