我不是一個喜歡運動的人, 但拳擊真的是讓我持續了一年而且還繼續喜歡的❤
I’m not the type of person that’s into the gym and fitness life. But there is one thing that I’ve done continuously over a year and that is, boxing. And I’m still loving it. Yes it’s BOXING!
我大概每週去一次, 好玩又可以讓身體變結實!
The main reason I think I’m so into boxing is, it’s a whole body cardio workout. During each boxing sessions you are training the muscles on your whole body. Sometimes you are so focused on hitting the target that you don’t even realize how much you’re sweating until the session is over.
Also, it helped with my reflections a lot. I’ve caught my phone so many times before it dropped on the ground.
When you’re hitting the target correctly, it makes a real satisfying sound, so it pushes you to want to keep doing it more and more.
I personally do it once every week, it’s such a fun exercise to keep your body healthy and fit!
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