3 Closets 自創品牌 I don’t go shopping anymore because I got 3 Closets

3 Closets 自創品牌 ” I don’t go shopping anymore because I got 3 Closets”

「我不再出去逛街了,因為我有 3 Closets」帽

此為 3 Closets 自創品牌第一項商品,所以在背後設計了中文字「第一」,也有第一名的意思,希望大家戴了有好運氣

“I don’t go shopping anymore because I got 3 Closets”

This is the very first product of 3 Closets line, in the back it has Chinese characters “第一” (di yi) which means first, also means NO.1, the best, good luck.

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3 Closets-美國代購





高質感手工製作, Design in Taiwan 回饋給喜歡 3 Closets 的各位!

I’ve started 3 Closets for about 2 years now. I’ve finally get to make my dream come true. And I have to thank all the people that has been supporting, for me to be able to have the courage to make this real, it wouldn’t have been possible without you guys.

In my opinion, it’s not only the designs on the hat but how it’s designed, the way it compliments your face is a key point to being a good accessory also.

I’ve spend some time on the design and the way the hat is shaped, to hope that it’s not just another hat that you see and forget, but to have the design that makes a good impression, makes people remember when they see it and possibly compliments all different face structures.

This high quality handmade hat, designed in Taiwan, for all of you that has been very supportive of 3 Closets.

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