
本篇為部落格的新單元「吃貨去哪裡,FOODIE GOES TO」,之後不定時會介紹世界各地的美食餐廳

Raw, this year has been nominated as one of the best restaurants in Asia.  

This will be the first post in a new category in the blog, FOODIE GOES TO, that will introduce and share experiences of good food from restaurants all over the world.

3 Closets-美國代購








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這就是為什麼 RAW 在台灣開了快三年還是非常難訂位,還有很懶得寫食記的我居然很想寫一篇趕快分享給大家!





3 Closets-美國代購






Kendall and Kylie Oversized 條紋襯衫 NT$3,980


加州品牌 grlfrnd Made in USA 高質感牛仔短褲 NT$5,350

(衣服訂購私訊連結👉 goo.gl/zhJxFz )


KC 真皮白球鞋 魔鬼氈款 NT$5,000

Come enjoy this amazing experience at RAW. The word Kitchen is written on the wall when you first walk in, this is like a lounge area where you can wait for friends or have a drinks before getting your seats. The menu was fashionably confusing, one dish every row describing the main ingredients. There are eight dishes and one dessert. The ingredients are all from Taiwan locally. The theme was Eco Friendly, so the chefs used the parts people usually throw away to create specialty dishes.

Such as, each dish were Western fusion Taiwanese style which made it easily approachable and fresh.



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The “three color eggs” was my favorite dish, salmon eggs, roe, some potatoes and an over easy egg with the special sauce the chef made, the layers of all these ingredients created some amazingly tasted eggs you’ll never imagined could be.

Due to my personal preference of not eating cheese, there was this little accident that they sent the wrong plate to our table. To be honest, my friends and I could’ve just switched plates or pick out the cheese, but the restaurant insisted on serving us two new ones. Hygiene is very important to them, so they follow by the rule of not switching plates after it touches the tables.

I really enjoyed that there’s a story behind each dish they serve. A lot of the ingredients are rarely seen, hearing that could tell even more how much effort and passion are put into each dish. Using food as a tool to share their passion for being eco friendly is a successful way of spreading the idea in my opinion.

There is this quote that’s on the wall where that Kitchen was written on:

“This is a kitchen. A place for creativity, a place to dream. Dream to be brave. Never to be afraid of making mistakes. Always questioning the possibilities, never sitting still, but always evolving and pushing ourselves. We will respect the past and never forget where we came from. Humility is our key ingredient. We are here not to feed the stomach but to fill the heart and soul.

It is not about the country or the culture, it’s about the state of mind.

If this is a dream please don’t wake me up– George Calombaris”

After the meal, I can relate even more with the words, besides the tasty meals, I can feel the love and passion the chef have for Taiwan.

That’s the reason it’s still a challenge to make a reservation after it’s been opened for almost three years. It’s like a dream. I hope by sharing this post could encourage you to try harder to make a reservation to go try out this amazing place that I couldn’t have saved it to myself. Don’t forget to take a signature picture with the cloud at the lobby of Raw.



3 Closets-美國代購



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