夏威夷恐龍灣浮潛 跟海龜一起游泳 See What I saw in Hanauma Bay



The most famous snorkeling place in Hawaii is Hanauma Bay, it’s also a MUST attractions for visitors to check out.

Hanauma is Hawaiian, which means the shape of a dinosaur. It looks just like a dinosaur lying down around the bay, amazingly beautiful.


在進去之前要付 USD 7 的門票,然後有大概10分鐘的入園前教學,就是說恐龍灣如何形成、有哪些魚類,還有很重要一點就是不能踩在珊瑚上~


The ticket is $7 and there is a 10 minute orientation before going into the park, which includes a background history of Hanauma Bay and the type of fishes you get to see. One main thing is to let everyone know that it is prohibited to step on corals.

Seeing the head of the dinosaur and the bay along the path makes your real excited and can’t wait to just jump in and swim with the fishes.









The water is so clear that you can see all the beautiful colors of the sea animals, it’s amazing!

Due to not having my waterproof camera with me, I wasn’t able to capture this beautiful scene for you guys, but this unreal scenery you got to go and experience it yourself, it’s so worth it. It’s pretty safe for children too, since the water aren’t too deep, but do be careful when passing by the corals incase to be scratched.

Last but not least, my most favorite part was to see the sea turtle and swim with it. It was right there, SO close to me, I feel so lucky to be able to experience that.

I have captured this special moment with my iphone to share with you guys, not the best quality but the most memorable one.









This was my first time experiencing snorkeling even though I have lived in Hawaii for quite some time now, and I loved it! I’m gonna try to do more touristy activities next time too!

Hanauma Bay is a protected area, so Tuesdays are their days off to let the animals have a day to rest.
A friendly suggestion is to bring your own goggles and fins, but if don’t have it you can rent it there as well, it’s just a bit pricier. Also, if you decide to go during winter time and you’re not the best with being cold, I suggest bringing wetsuits to keep you warm. While I was there during the winter time, even though the sun was shining it still got kind of cold after staying in the water for so long.

I highly suggest paying a visit to Hanauma Bay when you’re at Hawaii, it’s safe for the people that are not familiar with water activities. And it’s the best for people that are advanced with water activities, there is no boundries on how far you want to go, so you can explore however far you like. AND you get to swim with sea turtles, how romantic is that!

其他更詳細資訊可上 Hanauma Bay 官網 

More information goes to Hanauma Bay official website




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