Kendall 穿的 Boyfriend 破壞牛仔褲 Kendall’s boyfriend Jeans!

Kendall 的這條牛仔褲 小幫手找了好久好久才幫我找到🙈🙈

Kendall’s jeans is finally in my hand after getting some help from my little helper.


我第一次穿到這麼好看的Boyfriend! 褲管的鬚鬚設計我也很喜歡!
Kendall 穿了很多次這條牛仔褲,Grlfrnd他們家褲子標榜越穿越符合你的腿型,會越穿越舒服!


The mid waist distressed Grlfrnd jeans is not too loose and doesn’t make your legs look short like some of the boyfriend jeans does.
This is the first time I’ve found a boyfriend jean style that I’m obsessed with. I really like the stressed details on the bottoms of the jeans too.
Kendall had wore this jeans a lot. The fitting of this jeans is very comfortable, and the more you wear it the more it fits to your legs.
I’ve worn it every two days for a bit more than a week, because like I said I am obsessed.
In the beginning it’s kind of tight, the more you wear it the softer the material gets, but you don’t lose the design/shape of it, which is really nice!

It’s from Grlfrnd, every detail is amazing. The price is expensive tho, if you love jeans like me, worth to buy it!
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