說到五月,最值得大家關注的應該就是紐約Met Gala(紐約大都會藝術博物館慈善晚宴)Festival de Cannes(坎城國際影展)兩大典禮了。

相信在法國坎城節慶宮舉辦的Festival de Cannes坎城影展對大家來說都不陌生,它是國際上最具影響力的影展之一,為期12天.對電影界來說能夠入圍已經是很榮幸的事情了。

今年的Met Gala主題為Rei Kawakubo(川久保玲)& Comme des Garçons,對於獲邀赴宴的名人來說是個非常不好駕馭的主題,畢竟 Comme des Garçons的設計一直走在前端,有時超出時代美感的標準,如何詮釋前衛就將考驗名人們的衣Q了!

In May, the things that you probably hear most people talk about is the Met Gala and Festival de Cannes in New York.

Most people should be familiar with the Festival de Cannes in France. It is one of the most influential film festival that last for 12 days. For some, being nominated is already an honor.

Rei Kawakubo and Comme des Garçons is the theme of this year’s Met Gala, it’s a challenge for celebrities attending the ceremony. Comme des Garcons has always been on the cutting edge of the trend, sometimes even beyond, so to show “Avant-garde” becomes a toughest task for the attendees.


3 Closets-美國代購




Kendall Jenner應該是Met Gala典禮上露最多的名人了,禮服是由黑色透明沙,鑲上85,000顆水晶手工完成,前面開斜從肩膀開到腹部,下擺做開岔,外加背後除了大露背之外,直接可以看到若隱若現的丁字褲。只能說除了性感沒有別的詞彙可以形容了!太多飾品跟這件衣服放在一起都是多餘的,所以Kendall Jenner並沒有戴上多餘的項鍊手環,淡妝和完美的笑容就是最好的搭配。

禮服為La Perla


Rihanna 今年在Met Gala選擇了川久保玲常常使用的大紅色來符合主題完美的展現了前衛風格


禮服為Comme des Garçons配上DSquared2 Sandals的高跟鞋

Gigi Hadid展現出的氣勢在Met Gala之中也是不能忽視的。焦糖膚色的禮服上身為亮緞面配上網紗,肩膀處一邊大露肩另一邊則做挺,性感之外又有強勢,下擺有一邊拖著長長的蓬紗裙另一邊為短裙則可以露出美腿。當長蓬紗裙拖在紅毯上,Gigi Hadid根本不像公主,反而像氣勢強大的女王。

禮服為Tommy Hilfiger


Jourdan DunnMet Gala上所穿的禮服她有一起參與設計,下半身為深藍色的斜線西裝布料,前短後長的長窄裙帶有幾何的感覺,後面拖地的裙擺像是一個又一個的蝴蝶結堆疊而成;上身則配上白色露肩露背襯衫,袖子也有statement sleeves的設計。令人驚訝的是這件衣服穿在典禮上完全沒有違和感,這樣活潑可愛的童趣感非常符合 Comme des Garçons的品牌精神。


Cannes參加amfAR Gala(坎城募款晚會)Bella Hadid所穿著的禮服是被Bazaar雜誌評選為第一的。整件禮服幾乎透明可看到皮膚,使用的水晶點綴全身,從腰間大開叉展露出美腿,配上魚尾裙擺,高貴性感。



Kendall Jenner 參加120 Beats per MinuteFestival de Cannes首映穿上了一件白色為底,上面印有一束一束的花柄圖案特色禮服,我自己在這兩個典禮上最喜歡的一套。禮服是用比較飄逸的布料做成的緊身短裙,凸顯出她的好身材,在腰間繫有一個寬鬆的蝴蝶結,肩膀一邊為斜肩而另一邊是Statement Sleeves的氣球袖高跟鞋搭配膚色短襪也是一絕!


禮服為Giambattista Valli配上Chopard珠寶

另外Festival de Cannes悄悄吹起了淡色優雅風,也有許多名人選擇穿著白色或是比較不那麼強烈的顏色在紅毯上。



Met Gala(紐約大都會藝術博物館慈善晚宴)考驗名人們怎麼穿的前衛而不失怪異,前衛又讓人驚豔,前衛又不失禮;而Festival de Cannes(坎城國際影展)則是要穿的尊重典雅,露得剛剛好。

下週還會有After Party的介紹😀


3 Closets-美國代購





All of the celebrities wore the most catching gown to get the spotlight on the red carpet.

Next, Presenting the gown that fits the theme or had a strong personal style.


Kendall Jenner choose the black mesh gown stitched with 85,000 hand-made crystal in Met Gala. The front is tilted open from the shoulder to the waist area, the skirt is placketing which can show whole leg, beside backless, the see through fabric shows the thong directly. No words can describe this outfit besides the word “sexy”. Kendall didn’t wear much accessories with this gown, a simple smile and simple make-up style is enough to go with the gown.

─Gown: La Perla


Rihanna chose red as her theme for this year’s Met Gala, it’s also Rei Kawakubo’s often used color in her designs, the dress present avant-garde perfectly. This dress is different than the others. It is very conspicuous, whether the color or the style. The designer used red with flower pattern, very suitable for Spring. Additionally, piled round shape fabric presented fanning look. In this outfit, there’s still some skin showing to avoid looking like a balloon with the round shape design.

─Gown:Comme des Garçons with DSquared2 Sandals’ shoes ─

Gigi Hadid shows fierce on the red carpet in Met Gala. Caramel color gown with satin and gauze on top, shows one side of her shoulder, another side with stiff style sleeve, sexy and aggressive. Asymmetry bottom like the top, one side with short skirt to show the leg and another side with long gauze skirt. Seeing her in the dress on the red carpet, she looked more like a queen then a princess.

─Gown:Tommy Hilfiger



Jourdan Dunn has participated in the design of the dress she wore at Met Gala.  The bottom is long narrow skirt with stripes of  navy blue color and white stripe, many bow-not piles and tiering on the back of the skirt. The top is off the shoulder and backless white shirt with statement sleeves design. Surprisingly, it shows no incongruous on the red carpet, the dress is very energetic and lovely, also fits the Comme des Garçons’s brand spirit.

─Gown:H&M ─

The gown Bella Hadid wore in amfAR Gala at Cannes got selected as the best by Bazaar magazine. The gown is nearly nude with crystal ornament the whole dress, the bottom open from the waist with long fishtail skirt; very elegant and sexy.

─Gown: Ralph&Russo─


Kendall Jenner wore a white colored dress with many “bouquet of flower” pattern to attend the 120 Beats per Minute premiere at Festival de Cannes, this one is my favorite! The dress is made out by floaty fabric, it’s an one-piece skirt with a fitter design which can show her body shape well. There is bow-knot on her waist, one side is oblique off-shoulder and the other side is balloon sleeve (type of a statement sleeves). The most interesting part is wearing heels with skin colored socks, it’s very unique.

The point of the dress is long hemline, when the wind blows, no one can ignore her.


─Gown: Giambattista Valli with Chopard jewelry

In addition, many celebrities chose more elegant dresses to wear to the Festival de Cannes, There are a handful of people choose white or light color over strong and obvious color on the red carpet.  


You can see that celebrities spent a lot of thought on their outfit In these two ceremonies.

This year’s Met Gala theme is to test celebrities “avant-garde,“ how to wear avant-garde style without being weird, impoliteness, but only stunning. On the other hand, the Festival de Cannes is to know how to wear the appropriate skin showing clothes with elegant and class.

Will update more after party pictures next week!


3 Closets-美國代購


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