
推薦不只好吃店內也非常可愛的六家甜點/ 飲料店

Must try dessert spots from the local Hawaiians.

If you’re looking for good desserts spots, the ones that the locals favors are the ones you won’t go wrong with.

The six places that I’m recommending not only got delicious desserts to satisfy your sweet tooth but also very cute interior to make the whole experience even more memorable.

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Leonard’s Bakery 是夏威夷有名的甜甜圈(Malasada)老店,從1952年開始至今已有65年以上歷史






One of the famous donut shop in Hawaii is called Leonard’s Bakery. This is an old shop that has started since the year 1952, there are already 65 years of history. It tastes like donuts but it’s not just a circle shape, it’s called Malasada.

All the Malasada are fried at the moment, they start frying it right after your order to make sure you get the most fresh, hot and delicious experience. There’s always a line when I visited, and it takes about 15-20 minutes after you put in your order, so you know what you’re getting is freshly fried and it’s going to taste real good.

You can see lots of Hawaiians visit this store also (it’s pretty easy to see the difference between Hawaiian locals and tourists.

There are lots of branches around Hawaii, the opening time are pretty long too. On weekdays, they are opened till 10PM and on Friday and Saturdays are opened till 11PM.

There’s a time I went there around 10PM, and there was still a line of people waiting. I believe some people has made Malasada a daily routine of their life.

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Leonard’s Bakery 的甜甜圈有分有內陷的,和沒有內陷的

沒有內陷的,有三種口味,外面撒的糖粉不一樣,有原味(白糖)、肉桂和 Li Hing 糖(鹹鹹甜甜的)

我沒有喜歡吃很甜的,我最愛的是 Li Hing 糖口味,每個星期都很上癮的想吃,很簡單的東西卻有魔力的好吃,這可能就是Less is more 的藝術



Leonard’s Bakery’s donut serves donut that have stuffings and without stuffings.

There are three different kind of none stuffings, the sugar they sprinkle on the top are different. There is the original one which is white sugar, cinnamon and Li Hing which is savory and sweet.

I personally aren’t a fan of sweets, my favourite is the Li Hing Flavor. It’s like an addiction, I crave it every week. It’s almost like magic, something so simple could taste this delicious, this might be what less is more means.

If you’re someone that enjoys sweets, you can try the ones with stuffing.

The shop has a very obvious sign, should be able to see it from away. It’s the classic vintage American style. There’s a lot of pink color inside the store, so don’t forget to take some pictures before you go.  

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Diamond Head Cove Health Bar 是位於夏威夷有名的鑽石山旁邊的一家 Acai Bowl

什麼是 Acai Bowl? 這裡有介紹 夏威夷健康食物


不過最有名的還是 Acai Bowl, 如果去鑽石山爬完山,一定要來這家吃一下冰涼的 Acai bowl 當作運動完美好的獎勵

Diamond Head Cove Health Bar is a famous Acai Bowl spot that’s near Diamond Head.

What is Acai Bowl? Here’s a post that I talked about healthy food in Hawaii that you can check out.

Due to the location, it’s between school and Diamond Head, so there’s a lot of people traffic from morning till afternoon. They also serves salad and brunch.

But what they are famous for is still Acai Bowl. After hiking the Diamond head, having a cold Acai bowl is the most satisfying reward for yourself.

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PHOTO CREDIT: honolulu pulse

Bubbie 是在夏威夷開了30幾年的麻糬冰淇淋店,對於 Bubbies 真的是相見恨晚!

因為平常不是很喜歡麻糬,覺得吃完很飽,但吃到 Bubbies 驚為天人,我真的沒有誇張,馬上又多了一個上癮的甜點


Bubbie is a 30 year old mochi ice cream store in Hawaii. And this is a place that I wish I knew earlier.

I’m usually not a fan of mochi, because of how easy it fills you up. But when I tried Bubbies, I was shook and immediately fell in love with it. And I’m not exaggerating.

The skin of the mochi is the key of a good mochi, thin layer, chewy and it doesn’t make you full after you eat it. Most of the inside is ice cream, so a more ice cold crisp mochi is what I like.

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紅豆還有 Lilikoi (夏威夷才有的水果,類似百香果的味道)

另外 Bubbie 的冰淇淋也很好吃, 最喜歡 Oreo口味,是別的地方吃不到的美味!!

There are a lot of flavors to choose from, my personal favourites are chocolate coffee (the skin is chocolate and the ice cream is coffee), red bean and Lilikoi (it’s a fruit that only Hawaii has, tastes kind similar to passion fruit).

Also, there ice cream is pretty good too. My favourite ice cream from Bubbie is Oreo. It’s something you won’t be able to find anywhere else but here.

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夏威夷的超市 Safeway和 Foodland也有賣,我還是最喜歡去總店,這是在夏威夷唯一的店喔!


They also sell it inside of Safeway and Foodland, but I still like to go to the head quarter, this is the only store in Hawaii. It’s around Hanauma Bay. So it would be a treat to go after a day of snorkeling!

Hanauma Bay 恐龍灣文章連結:夏威夷恐龍灣浮潛 跟海龜一起游泳 See What I saw in Hanauma Bay

Hawaii Kai

Koko Marina Shopping Center
7192 Kalanianaole Hwy D103
Honolulu, HI 96825
(808) 396-8722

Sun – Th 10 AM – 11 PM
Fri – Sat 10 AM – Midnight

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Island Vintage 是我的私心推薦,觀光客路線

在威基基(waikiki)的咖啡廳下午三點以前有早午餐,我喜歡吃他們的SHOYU POKE


不吃生食也有三明治,甜點當然要點 Acai Bowl!!

Island Vintage is a touristy place that I selfishly want to share with you guys.

The cafe at Waikiki serves brunch before 3PM. I love their Shoyu Poke, which is sashimi with soy sauce, avocado, rice and some fruit salad mixed together. It’s a type of traditional Hawaiian food.
If you’re not a fan of raw fish, there are also sandwiches. For desserts, Acai Bowl is a must to order!


Island Vintage剉冰也很推薦,不是像一般的色素口味,有加一些配料珍珠、優格或麻糬等等,吃起來有不一樣的口感,非常好吃!

招牌是 Heavenly Lilikoi(如圖)夏威夷的水果 Lilikoi 加上草莓煉乳還有珍珠,人手一盤!

Island Vintage’s shave ice is something that I would recommend too. It doesn’t taste like food coloring, there are different toppings to choose from. Such as boba, yogurt or mochi…etc.

The signature is Heavenly Lilikoi (in the picture), Hawaii’s fruit Lilikoi with some strawberry flavor condensed milk with boba. Everyone has one in their hands.


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我覺得是夏威夷最好吃的冰淇淋店,它位於夏威夷也是全美最大購物中心 Nordstrom 的二樓,特色是他有很多雪酪版口味也很好吃(就是沒有放奶油,冰沙口感的)

最喜歡的是夏威夷限定口味巴西莓果 (Acai bowl) 和 肯亞咖啡 (Kona coffee)


I think the best ice cream shop in Hawaii is the one that’s located on the second floor of Nordstrom. The special part about this place is that they have a lot of different kind of sorbet flavors to choose from (no cream added, more of a slushy taste).

My favorite flavor is Acai bowl and Kona coffee!



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3 Closets-美國代購

Pressed Juicery 是加州的冷壓果汁品牌,去年開始進到夏威夷



我最喜歡喝的是綠色果汁2號 (Greens 2), 主要是蔬菜,喜歡喝完都有很清爽的感覺

如果想要飽足感我喜歡巧克力杏仁奶 (Chocolate Almond) ,之前情人節有限定推出草莓杏仁奶 (Strawberry Almond) 也很棒,現在也還買得到!

題外話,最近他們和 VOGUE 雜誌合作推出藍色和桃紅色的果汁好美!

Pressed Juicery is originally from California and made it’s way to Hawaii last year.

Every bottle expires in two days, most of the customers go everyday, so there’s usually some sort of a line. Some juices can be made into slushy. There’s no dairy included.

My favourite will be the Green 2, the main ingredients are veggies. It makes me feel really refreshed after drinking it. If you want to choose something to make you feel full, I personally like the Chocolate Almond. They also have the Valentine’s edition, Strawberry Almond flavor, which tasted really good too. It is still available till this day!

Recently they collaborated with Vogue magazine and came out with blue and magenta color juices, they look beautiful.

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PHOTO CREDIT: Pressed Juicery

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Ala Moana Center

1450 Ala Moana Blvd. Suite 1375 Honolulu, HI 96814

808.949.5272  Mon-Sat 7am – 9:30pm  Sun 7am – 7:30pm

以上是我精選的六家夏威夷歐胡島的甜食/ 飲料店,大家有機會去彩虹島一定要試試看喔!

Above are the six places in Ohau that I recommend for sweets. If you  have the chance to visit the rainbow state you gotta try it out!


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